One Direction

Ok, so I love this song. It’s so great.

Here’s a fantastic video of the cast of Anything Goes lip syncing to One Direction’s What Makes You Beautiful.


Published in: on May 19, 2012 at 9:32 pm  Leave a Comment  

Steampunk Music

So, I have a playlist of what I call “Steampunk Music”. Now, not all of it is actually steampunk. In fact, some of it I am sure is not at all related, but I like it, and I think it fits in the genre, so who cares. So, I decided to share some of my favorite steampunk songs!

First off, of course, is Abney Park. They were the first steampunk band I had ever heard of, and they are awesome. By far their best song is Airship Pirate (which Myriad says makes her feel badass. It does have a nice beat to it). The video is cool, too, because they do have steampunk outfits and props, so they’ve got the whole persona down.

The next one (in no particular order) is The Cog is Dead. These guys go all-out steampunk. Their songs are all on steampunk topics, as though they really were about a steampunk world. Each song is a different genre, too, so they’ve got a nice mixture to appeal to everyone. One of the best is Death of the Cog (no vid, just the song):

But my personal favorite has to be I Want Only You. It’s so cute! (Also no vid tho)

Another Steampunk persona is Professor Elemental. He does steampunk raps, and does rap battles with his nemesis, Mr. B. One of his raps, Fighting Trousers, is hilarious and really ridiculously awesome. My sister sent it to me a while back, right before I made my epic cross-half-the-country roadtrip of DOOOM, and we immediately downloaded it and added it to the car playlist.

Now, some bands don’t have steampunk personas, but still like to have fun and make a steampunk video. Like Panic! At the Disco, and their video for Ballad of Mona Lisa. They got some help from the League of Steam, who have a cameo in the video, which is also super cool.

I also managed to find a video by Alex the Kid, called Future. I’m not sure if he has a steampunk persona, but this video is steampunk, and the song is pretty catchy. EDIT: He posted this comment on his own video: “Hi, just thought we’d make a note: we are not a steampunk band, and this is not steampunk music, we just like steampunk so thought we would make a video inspired my its visual wonders… ” Also, Professor Elemental’s director commented on them, complimenting their vid.

In my playlist, I also have the song Brother by Murder By Death. I’m not sure where I found it, or when, but it’s cool.

And then of course, there’s my favorite: Jeffrey Straker. Now, he’s not really super steampunk, but I first found out about him on the website for the Steampunk World’s Fair, so that’s why he gets included. And he wears smexy vests and hats. And his music is freaking awesome. (Still haven’t caved in and bought his first CD. There’s no preview online that I could find!) Anyway, the first song that I heard, which is super catchy and upbeat and awesome, is Hypnotized:

Also, from his new CD, Brand New Ocean. Right as I was pulling into my new house for the first time when I drove out here for grad school, this songĀ  came on my ipod, and it was the perfect metaphor. Totally awesome.

And finally, one last video, that has nothing to do with steampunk or music or anything: Cats With Thumbs (you know you wanna watch it! It’s short, I promise)

Published in: on September 1, 2011 at 12:03 pm  Comments (1)